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Picking Colors and Wool for Projects

Updated: Apr 28, 2023

The colors you choose are what really gives any creative or visual project its vibe. This is one of my favorite steps in creating!

This is a very small collection of my wools.
Some of the Collection

When picking out colors, I normally use a few strategies: If it is for one person in particular I think “what do they like?” and then I pull from what I have available. Other times, I see a combination within my wool assortment that calls to me and I build from there. Sometimes, I have a specific skein or two that I really want to use and I pick out complementary textures and colors.

When I am picking wool, I tend not to follow the laws of weight too closely. I mix aran weight with Double Knit (DK), and DK with 2 ply. I started doing this when I began knitting back in 2016. I would collect wool scraps of all sizes, colors, lengths, textures and combine them into one massive ball of yarn. I am still building on this ball of yarn, as I have been slowly using it to knit myself a blanket. Maybe I’ll write a blog on this blanket in the future.

This is a collection of all the scrap yarn I have collected from various knitting and crochet projects over the years. There all sizes of weights: DK, Aran,  2ply, 3ply, thinner chunky yarns.
Scrap yarn ball being used to knit blanket

Another reason I decided to mix weights was because of immediate availability and color. I worked in a craft shop in the UK called Abakahan Hobby and Home for about a year. In that time I collected a lot of wool of all sizes, colors, weights and textures. I ended up with a very sizable collection, yet I would have skeins in 50 grams, 25g, 100g, 150g, etc. Sometimes I would have one ball of an aran purple wool, and five balls of aqua and blue striped wool. Not to mention fibers! Needless to say, it was not often that I had a “matching” collection of wools. The same is true today.

These are a collection of wools I have set aside for a custom blanket I am going to be making. There are shiny wools and aran weights and DK. These are all yarns I already had in my collection. I may end up adding more colors, but for now this is the set!
Custom Blanket on the Books

I do try to keep the weights generally within a similar hook size. For instance, I will try to pick wools that use a 4mm-5.5mm hook size for a single project. Sometimes though, if a chunky wool feels light enough, I’ll include that too, regardless of its suggested 6mm hook size.

To keep the project from looking too wobbly and uneven, I use the larger hook size. Sometimes going for an even larger hook than recommended, as I have found that this keeps all the wools at a nice loose tension.

All in all, although this process may be a little unorthodox, it really works for me. I find that my blankets tend to be unique and fun and very personable.

Let me know if you try this way of picking colors, I’d love to see your creations!

Check out my following instagram posts around scrap yarn projects!

Terms used:

Aran weight: this is the UK term, and I believe* the American version is heavy worsted or 10ply. This weight usually uses around a 5mm hook.

Double Knit: this is the UK term. I believe* the American version is #3 or light weight yarn.

Weight: this does not refer to the actual physical weight of the wool, but rather the thickness of wool strad.

Wool: Again, this is UK terminology. Wool tends to refer to all yarns regardless of material. Sometimes I go back and forth between using “wool” and “yarn.”

Skein: this is the technical term for what a single ball of yarn is called.

*I did not properly get into knitting and crocheting until I lived in England, and the USA terms still confuse me quite a bit. There seem to be so many ways to classify a weight!

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Leila Knights
Leila Knights
Feb 28, 2023

I can sense your passion. And I love it😀

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